Lomas Rishi Element Rug

₹51,000 Sale Save

This exquisite piece draws its inspiration from the ancient Chaitya arch of the Lomas Rishi caves, offering a timeless design that captures the essence of a weathered cave's imperfections and profound beauty. It serves as both a statement piece and an entryway, reflecting the cave's stories in color and geometric silhouettes. Experience the sensation of undulating floors, the interplay of light and shadow, and the timeless silence of the void with this exceptional rug.

Size 1092.2mm x 2133.6mm

Delivery Timeline : 12 Weeks

109.2 x 213.3 cms ; 43 x 84 inches
124.46 x 960 cms ; 49 x 378 inches
155 x 304.8 cms ; 61 x 120 inches

Premium New zealand wool, Bamboo silk

Vaccum and soft brushing


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